On December 11, 2019 Maryland Governor Larry Hogan invited Colonel John E Gavrilis, MDOT/MTA Chief of Police, to stand in support with him as he unveils his 2020 crime initiatives to reduce violent crime in Baltimore City.  Under the leadership of Chief Gavrilis the MDOT/MTA has the lowest number of violent crimes amongst the top 12 transit systems in the nation for five years in a row.  Chief Gavrilis is a graduate of FBINAA Session #192.

On January 4, 2019 the Maryland-Delaware Chapter Executive Board joined the FBI Baltimore Field Office for a luncheon with the recent graduates of Session 274, and the candidates of Session 275 who are about to begin their National Academy experience.

On September 27, 2018 the Maryland-Delaware Chapter Executive Board joined the FBI Baltimore Field Office for a luncheon with the recent graduates of Session 273, and the candidates of Session 274 who are about to begin their National Academy experience.

On June 29, 2018 the Maryland-Delaware Chapter Executive Board joined the FBI Baltimore Field Office for a luncheon with the recent graduates of Session 272, and the candidates of Session 273 who will begin their National Academy experience on July 9, 2018.

Crime Suppression Award presented to Colonel John E Gavrilis for lowering crime on Maryland Transit Administration system by 53 percent since 2013 having the lowest part 1 crime among the top 12 transit systems in the nation for four years in a row (2014-2017). Pictured is Colonel John E Gavrilis and MTA Administrator Kevin Quinn

On March 26, 2018 the Maryland-Delaware Chapter Executive Board joined the FBI Baltimore Field Office for a luncheon with the recent graduates of Session 271, and the candidates of Session 272 who will begin their National Academy experience on April 2, 2018.

On January 3, 2018, the Maryland-Delaware Chapter Executive Board joined the FBI Field Office for a luncheon with the recent graduates of Session 270, and the candidates of Session 271 who are about to begin their National Academy Experience.

On September 27, 2017 the Maryland-Delaware Chapter Executive Board joined the FBI Field Office for a luncheon with the recent graduates of Session 269, and the candidates of Session 270 who are about to begin their National Academy Experience.

June 12, 2017, Colonel John E. Gavrilis, Chief of MTA Police received the nationally acclaimed American Public Transit Association Gold Award for security.  The Gold Award recognized the Maryland Transit Administration for having the lowest Part I crimes of the top 12 transit agencies in the nation for three years in a row.

On June 15, 2017 the Maryland-delaware Chapter Executive Board met for a luncheon with the recent graduates is Session 268, and the candidates of Session 269 who are about to begin their National Academy Experience.

Pictured above are the 269 candidates Lieutenant Nikki Beyer Westminster Police (MD), Sergeant Jim Lockers Bel Air Police (MD), Captain Stephen Misetic Wilmington Police (DE), and Captain Thomas Langston Hagerstown Police (MD).

2017 Retrainer

The Maryland Delaware Chapter held a very successful Retrainer event again in 2017. Over 100 people assembled at Dover Downs Hotel and Casino in Delaware over April 4th through 6th for this top notch training opportunity. We were honored to have several distinguished speakers and presenters. Deputy Chief Eric Smith of the Orlando Police Department presented a complete overview of the Pulse Nightclub Shooting. Dr Jim Warwick, Ed.D. Delaware State Police (retired) gave an in depth presentation “The Most Effective Weapon You Will Ever Carry on Patrol: Your Mind.” Chief R. Scot Haug of Post Falls Police Department gave a moving Below 100 presentation. Col Robert Coupe, Secretary of Delaware Department of Safety and Homeland Security, was the keynote speaker for the banquet dinner. Finally, Mr Gordon Graham of Lexipol kept everyone on the edge of their seats with a full day of Risk Management. In addition to the speakers and presenters, we took the opportunity to get to know our corporate partners and recognize their contributions to the Chapter. Of course a Retrainer is not complete without Chapter Membership Information Sharing. We trust that everyone found these opportunities to be beneficial and the accommodations to be enjoyable at the same time. We have posted pictures to our Flikr account for those who were unable to join us; please visit

On March 30, 2017 the Maryland-Delaware Chapter Executive Board joined the FBI Field Office for a luncheon with the recent graduates of Session 267, and the candidates of Session 268 who are about to begin their National Academy Experience.

Pictured above are the 268 attendees Captain Orlando Lilly Baltimore County Police (MD), Chief Osborne “Moe” Robinson Baltimore City Police (MD), Captain Jennifer Griffin Delaware State Police (DE). Not pictured is Captain Richard Bowers Takoma Park Police (MD).

On January 5, 2017 the Maryland-Delaware Chapter Executive Board met for a luncheon with the recent graduates of Session 266, and the candidates of Session 267 who are about to begin their National Academy experience.

Pictured above are the 267 attendees Captain Benjamin Feldman New Castle County Police (DE), Commander Marcus Jones Montgomery County Police (MD), Lieutenant Shane Bolger Maryland State Police (MD), Major Eric Over Rockville City Police (MD).

FBI National Academy Youth Leadership ProgramBy John Campanella

My name is Rohit Vepa, and I recently graduated from session 18 of the FBI National Academy Youth Leadership Program, or YLP, from June 23-July 1st. Before I talk about my experience and the YLP, I would like to thank the Maryland-Delaware Chapter of the FBI National Academy Associates for providing me this unique opportunity to take part in the YLP program…. Read More – View PDF

 Annual Business Meeting

The Maryland/Delaware Chapter of the FBI National Academy Association held its annual business meeting at the O’Callaghan Annapolis Hotel in Annapolis, Maryland on December 2nd, 2016. This year, the room was packed with members as the Executive Board presented a year in review and announced their agenda for 2017. The business reports were followed with a wonderful lunch at the Hotel.

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Annual Crab Feast 

The Maryland/Delaware Chapter of the FBI National Academy Association held its annual Crab Feast at the Fisherman’s Crab Deck in Kent Narrows, Maryland on October 7th, 2016. This year, approximately 140 members and friends were in attendance to crack crabs and share a meal on a beautiful sunny day. Please see our Flickr page for more photographs from the conference.

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Navy Tailgate & Game

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Annual Golf Tournament at the Championship Bulle Rock Course

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Annual conference in St. Louis, Missouri in July 2016

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Maryland-Delaware Chapter Executive Board met for a luncheon with recent graduates from Session 264

On June 30th, 2016 the Maryland-Delaware Chapter Executive Board met for a luncheon with recent graduates from Session 264, and the candidates of Session 265 who began their journey in Quantico, Va in the beginning of July.


Pictured above are 265 attendees Lieutenant Michael Van Campen – Newark Police Department (De) and Lieutenant Andrew Powell from the Riverdale Park Police (Md).
Not pictured but attending are Lieutenant Justin Baker – Howard County Police Department (Md) and Sergeant Keith Benton – Dorchester County Sheriffs Office (Md).

Maryland Department of Transportations MTA Wins National APTA Gold Awards for Rail Safety and Security

The Maryland Department of Transportation Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) recently received the American Public Transportation Associations (APTA) 2016 Gold Awards for Heavy Rail Security and Light Rail Safety.


Annual Retrainer Conference in Ocean City, MD

The Maryland/Delaware Chapter of the FBI National Academy Association held its annual retrainer conference in Ocean City, Md. This year, approximately 86 members were in attendance to participate in two filled days of training consisting of communication, three case study reviews and leadership discussions.


Annual Past Presidents Luncheon at The Brick Hotel

On January 15, 2016 the Maryland/Delaware Chapter of the FBI National Academy Association held its annual Past Presidents luncheon at The Brick Hotel, in historic Georgetown, Delaware. This year, thirteen members of this prestigious group were in attendance and welcomed the immediate past president, Melissa Zebley, to the alumni. This group of leaders, continue to work diligently for the chapter to make all events a success during the year.


Chapter Installs New Officers at Annual Business Meeting

The National Academy Associates Maryland-Delaware Chapter held its annual business meeting on Friday, December 4, 2015, at Bulle Rock Golf Course in Havre de Grace, Maryland. Approximately 80 members attended this year’s meeting where Laura O Sullivan from the New Castle County PD was elected to the Sergeant at Arms position.


Annual Crab Feast Event

Grasonville, MD – The National Academy Associates Maryland-Delaware Chapter held its Annual Crab Feast Event on Friday, October 2, 2015 at Fisherman’s Crab Deck. Over 100 members, guests, and sponsors attended the event despite the rain, wind, and forecast for Hurricane Joaquin. The event consisted of fellowship with Old Friends, Old Bay, heavy crabs, and a buffet filled with chicken, burgers, hotdogs, and beverages. A great time was had by all and everyone is looking forward to next year’s event.



On September 29, 2015 the Maryland-Delaware Chapter Executive Board met for a luncheon with the recent graduates of Session 261, and the candidates of Session 262 who will begin their 10 week venture at Quantico on October 5, 2015. The group also met and welcomed SAC Kevin Perkins who returned to the Baltimore Division for a second tour.


Pictured are Session 262 attendees (from left to right) Sheriff Troy Berry Charles County Sheriff Office, and Lieutenant Tashawn Counts – Wilmington Police Department. (Not pictured but attending is Commander Patrick Grossman – Fredrick Police Department).

Annual Tailgate Event

Annapolis – The National Academy Associates Maryland-Delaware Chapter held its annual Navy Tailgate Event on Saturday, September 19, 2015. Over 100 members and guest attended the event and enjoyed burgers, dogs, beverages, a grilled pig and football. READ FULL ARTICLE – VIEW ALL PHOTOS

Charity Golf Tournament

Wilmington, DE – The National Academy Associates Maryland-Delaware Chapter held its Annual Golf Tournament Event on Monday, August 3, 2015 at the Dupont Country Club. The proceeds from the tournament not only benefit both the Maryland and Delaware Special Olympics, but also the Chapter’s scholarship fund for deserving students. The tournament generated thousands of dollars for these charities. Tournament participants were comprised of regional law enforcement leaders at the local, state, and federal levels. We also had the pleasure of playing with many of our sponsors and everyone enjoyed the luncheon. READ FULL ARTICLE – VIEW ALL PHOTOS


On July 8, 2015 the Maryland-Delaware Chapter Executive Board met for a luncheon with the recent graduates of Session 260 as well as the candidates of Session 261 who will begin their 10 week venture at Quantico.

Pictured are Session 261 attendees (from left to right) Captain Dave Spicer – Dover Police Department, Captain Scott Keyser – Maryland State Police, Chief Chris Cotillo – City of Sea Pleasant Police Department, and Lieutenant Aaron Dombrowsky  Howard County Police Department.

2015 Youth Leadership Program

Laura Espinoza of Rockville, Maryland participated in an eight day program of leadership development at the FBI Academy facility in Quantico, Virginia. The program is offered to qualified students ages 14 – 16 who have demonstrated above average academic standards, as well as good citizenship. Laura was sponsored by Lt. Christopher Orwig a member of Session 256.

Laura attends Montgomery Blair High School and is a member of the Varsity Track & Field Team, Robotics Team, Public Forum Debate Team, and John Hopkins Study of Exceptional Talent. Laura is fluent in Portuguese, Spanish, and proficient in French. Laura’s interests include biology, forensics, and criminal law. Laura graduation on June 20, 2015 and is the daughter of Luis and Luciana Espinoza.


Maryland-Delaware Chapter Event

Seattle Mariners vs Baltimore Orioles

The National Academy Associates Maryland-Delaware Chapter held its Inaugural Chapter Baseball Event on Thursday, May 21, 2015 in the Designate Hitter??s Lounge located on the fourth floor of the Warehouse.  Approximately 100 members attended the event and enjoyed Bratwursts, Beverages, Boog’s Baked Beans, and Baseball.

Prior to the rain delay in the middle of the third inning, Baltimore Oriole’s Steve Pearce hit his first career grand slam to put Baltimore up 4-0 in the first inning. The rain caused a stoppage of play for a little over two hours. When the game resumed the Mariners rallied from the early deficit but the Orioles scored one more run and got the decision beating the Mariners 5-4. Despite the weather a great time was had by all and everyone is looking forward to next year’s event in Camden Yards.

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Annual Re-Trainer?- Dewey Beach, Delaware – April 12 – 14, 2015

The FBI National Academy Associates Maryland Delaware Chapter hosted its annual re-trainer in Dewey Beach, Delaware on April 12th-14th, 2015. The event moved to a new location at the Hyatt Place and approximately 80 members from the Chapter participated in two days of quality training. President Melissa Zebley welcomed the attendees on Sunday evening at the President’s Reception.

The two days of training featured the following speakers and the topics:

  • Managing Your Message with the News Media by Ms. Judy Pal
  • Stories and Strategies to Develop Major League Leadership by Dr. Howard Fero
  • Law Enforcement Trauma: Are Your Prepared by Capt. Matthew May of the Wake Forest Police Department.
  • Deadly Encounters by Mr. Mark Radcliff of the Maryland Police & Correctional Training Commission.
  • MAGLOCLEN /RISS Presentation by Mr. Matt McDonald

The Re-Trainer finale was the banquet featuring guest speaker Dan Cohen of West Street Productions, talking about Marketing Your Agency.

Thank you to the generous sponsors and vendors who financially supported the event and/or donated door prizes. Please consider utilizing the businesses and services provided by our corporate supporters to include: Cody ,Verizon, Panasonic, FORUM-DIRECT, Symbol Arts, Brekford, Paul Campanella’s Auto & Tire Center, PredPol Predictive Policing, Action Target, and West Street Productions.

Members and Vendors of the Chapter gather for a picture prior to the banquet.

President Melissa Zebley present certificates of appreciation to Captain Matthew May of the Wake Forest (NC) Police Department after his moving presentation about Are You Prepared, Law Enforcement Trauma.

Guest Speaker Dan Cohen of West Street Production is presented with a Certificate of Appreciation by President Melissa Zelby.

View our Flickr page for more photographs from the conference.

The 260th Session Attendees

On April 2, 2015 the Maryland-Delaware Chapter Executive Board met for a luncheon with the recent graduates of Session 259 as well as the candidates of Session 260 who will begin their 10 week venture at Quantico on April 5th.

260th Session

Past Presidents Luncheon

On February 27, 2015 the Maryland / Delaware Chapter of the FBI National Academy Association held its annual Past Presidents luncheon at Yellow Fin Restaurant in Edgewater, MD. This year nine members of this elite group were in attendance and welcomed its newest member Teresa Walter to the alumni. This group is recognized for their diligence, perseverance, and hard work to the chapter. During the event current Chapter President Melissa Zebley presented Teresa with her Past President pin. In other news, the Executive Board held a business meeting after the luncheon and discussed the upcoming Re-Trainer Conference in April.

Past presidents attending this year??s luncheon (from left to right): Bobby Cummings, Doug Verzi, Marlyn Dietz, Dave Deputy, Aaron Chaffinch, R.L. Hughes, Ralph Holm, Nancy Dietz, Joel Jordan, Ralph Holm and Teresa Walter.

President Melissa Zebley presents Immediate Past President Teresa Walter with her Past President pin.

Past President Teresa Walter

Maryland is known for it??s Crab Cake

The 259th Session attendees


The 259th Session attendees (L-R) are Maj. James Fenner Jr (Montgomery County Police Department), Capt. Alice Brumbley (Delaware State Police), Capt. Ted McLaughlin (Maryland?Transit Administration Police Department) and Capt. Craig Lustig (National Security Agency).

Maryland-Delaware Chapter Installs New Officers at Annual Business Meeting

The National Academy Associates Maryland-Delaware Chapter held its annual business meeting on Friday, December 5, 2014, at Bulle Rock Golf Course in Havre de Grace, Maryland. Approximately 70 members attended this year’s meeting where an election was held for the Sergeant at Arms and Secretary/Treasurer positions. The membership elected Major Scott Kolb from Salisbury Maryland Police Department, and a graduate of the 239th NA Session, to the office of Sergeant at Arms. Major Kolb will serve on the board for five years advancing through each position to President and Immediate Past President. Captain Daniel Galbraith from Hartford County Sheriff’s Office, and a graduate of the 250th NA Session, was elected to a two-year term as Secretary/Treasurer. Congratulations to both Scott and Daniel!

A sincere thank you is extended to Mr. Barry Marsh who served in the role of Secretary/Treasurer for the past nine years.

Maria Kulchycky, 2014 National Academy 2014 Youth Leadership Program (YLP) representative from the Maryland/Delaware Chapter spoke about her experience at the YLP.  At the conclusion, President Teresa Walters presented Maria with a Certificate of Achievement from the Chapter. Maria was sponsored by Major Ed Bergin (Session 225) from the Anne Arundel County Police Department. The FBI National Academy Associates, Inc. (FBINAA) hosts the week long training event for high school students at the FBI Academy every summer. Qualified candidates must be 14, 15, or 16 years old at the start date of the program. To be selected, a student must have demonstrated high academic standards and good citizenship, and they must be nominated by an FBINA graduate in good standing. Information can be found on the FBINAA website. Candidates selected to represent the Maryland/Delaware Chapter will be invited each year to the Annual Business Meeting to share their experience and receive recognition. Congratulations again to Maria on a job well done!

President Teresa Walters, Chief of Havre de Grace Police Department, fulfilled her duties as president passing the reigns to Major Melissa Zebley from the Delaware State Police. Chief Walters now assumes the role of Immediate Past President sharing her wisdom with the newly elected Executive Board.

President Melissa Zebley concluded the regular order of business with updates on future events in 2015. President Zebley announced plans to return to the DuPont Country Club (Wilmington, Delaware) in August 2015 for the annual golf tournament; her hopes are to switch to the second championship course. Plans are underway for a possible family outing at an Orioles game the Thursday before Memorial Day weekend, keep an eye out for details on the MD-DE Chapter website. Lastly, our annual re-trainer will be held April 12-14, 2015 at a new location: Dewey Beach Hyatt Place in Dewey Beach, Delaware. Check MD-DE Chapter website for details.

SAC Stephen Vogt, from the FBI Baltimore Office, addressed the meeting providing an update on the National Academy.


SAC Vogt administered the Oath of Office to Executive Board Members

Left to right: President Melissa Zebley, 1st Vice President Greg Guiton, 2nd Vice President John Campanella, Sergeant at Arms Scott Kolb, Secretary/Treasurer Daniel Galbraith, S/A Rob Hallman FBI Baltimore Training Coordinator, & Immediate Past President Teresa Walters.



President Melissa Zebley addresses the meeting


Pictured left to right:? Greg Guiton, Ed Bergin, Maria Kulchycky, & Teresa Walter

Click here to see more pictures from the 2014 Business Meeting

Kylee’s Dancing Angels
10/11 Steps to Heaven

Our precious and beloved Kylee Webster earned her angel wings on 10/11/13. In her memory and in support of others who face sarcoma, please consider donating to our cause. The money we raise will be redirected to sarcoma patients so they can pursue interests and hobbies that bring them hope and happiness, as they are undergoing treatment for cancer.

Download Kylee’s Dancing Angels Flyer


Media & Public Relations Training in Ocean City, MD
March 16-20, 2015 – Hosted by The Ocean City Police Department, and FBI-LEEDA

Click here to view flyer with more information and schedule


October 3,? 2014
Maryland-Delaware Annual Crab Feast

On Friday, October 3, 2014, one hundred and thirty (130) FBINAA Maryland-Delaware Chapter members and guests attended the Annual Crab Feast at the Fisherman’s Crab Deck in Kent Narrows, Maryland. This event is one of the most popular Chapter networking events with great food, drinks, and an abundance of large heavy delicious Chesapeake Bay crabs. This year’s event did not disappoint and was enhanced with the continued beautiful weather on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.

Numerous door prizes were awarded and a generous 50-50 helped the Chapter continue raising money for its charitable causes. Thank you to all that attended and we will see you at the Annual Chapter Business Meeting on December 5, 2014.

Crab Feast 2014
See more pictures in the 2014 Crab Feast Gallery
October 1, 2014
Our Newest Members

On October 1, 2014, the newest Delaware-Maryland Chapter members, who just completed the 257 Session of the National Academy, joined the Chapter’s Executive Board at the FBI Baltimore Office for a lunch meeting. During lunch they shared their experiences with three of the four area police officers slated to begin the 258th session on October 6, 2014.


The 257th session graduates were (pictured from left to right) Sgt. Tim Lowe (Annapolis Maryland Police Dept.), Sgt. Scott Rieger (Newark Delaware Police Dept.), Major Duane Williams (Harford County Maryland Sherriff’s Office), & Lt. Lamart Martin (Baltimore Maryland County Police Dept.)


The 258th Session attendees (pictured left to right) are Lt. Jason King (Salisbury Maryland Police Department), Det. Sgt. Justin Todd (Cambriage Maryland Police Dept.), & Major Rob Liberati (Prince George??s Maryland Police Dept.) Not Pictured: Deputy Asst. Rob Kracyla (Delaware Division of Alcohol & Tobacco Enforcement)

September 20,? 2014
Annual Tailgate and Navy Football Event

FBI NAA Maryland/Delaware Chapter held their annual tailgate and Navy Football event on Saturday, September 20, 2014. This event was started in 1977 by Bob Emory and has become a tradition for the Chapter. The planning and coordination is now carried on by Lt. Brian Della from Annapolis Police Department. Once again this year it was a great day to catch up with friends, enjoy food and drink, and of course watch the Midshipmen marching from the Naval Academy into the Navy-Marine Corp Memorial Stadium. That is a special event unto itself. Attending the tailgate party and football game were over 75 Chapter Members. Unfortunately, Navy was defeated by Rutgers but everyone in attendance had a great time.

August 11,? 2014
Annual Golf Tournament

On Monday, August 11, 2014, the FBI National Academy Associates Maryland Delaware Chapter hosted its annual golf tournament at the DuPont Country Club in Wilmington, Delaware. The tournament is the MD-DE Chapter’s premier fundraising event for the scholarship fund and Special Olympics. One hundred twenty four (124) golfers comprising thirty one (31) teams enjoyed a beautiful August day on one of the DuPont Country Club’s nationally renowned courses. The day began with a shotgun start at 9:00 and concluded with a lunch on the DuPont Country Club’s outside covered patio.

The winners of the golf tournament:

First Place: Boe Kowalewski, Wayne Johnson, Jeff Klobier, Mike Gross

Second Place: Ralph Holm, Jr., Ralph Holm, Sr., Bill Topping, Tim Frech

Third Place: Howard Walter, Scott Walter, Sr., Scott Walter, Jr., Shane Walter

Special Contests:

Longest Drive Men: Geoff Jones

Longest Drive Women:? Laura O’Sullivan

Putting: Vickie Warehime

Closest to the Pin Men: Jim Ditomasso

Closest to the Pin Women: Amy Ryan

A heartfelt special thank you to the following tournament sponsors who made generous donations:

Platinum Sponsors: Porter Auto Group, Paul Campanella’s Auto & Tire Center, & Julie and Katie Hughes

Gold Sponsors: Absolute Security, LLC., Chesapeake Utilities Corporation, Clarion Resort Fontainebleau Hotel, Delmarva Power, Delaware State Police, Havre de Grace Police Department, Ocean City Police Department, Maryland FOP Lodge 10

Silver Sponsors: Armed Security, Inc., Wilmington Police & Fireman’s Insurance Association, Wal-Mart Georgetown.


MD-DE Chapter President Teresa Walter (left) and her team from Havre de Grace

Speaker of the Delaware House of Representatives Pete Schwartzkopf tees off at the tournament with teammates RL Hughes (left) and Laura O??Sullivan waiting


View all photos from this event

March 2014
Annual Re-Trainer in Ocean City, Maryland

In late March 2014, the FBI National Academy Associates Maryland Delaware Chapter hosted its annual re-trainer in Ocean City, Maryland. Staying in Ocean City, the event moved to a new location at the Clarion Hotel. Approximately 50 members from the Chapter enjoyed two days of quality training followed by networking and a bonfire on the beach.

President Teresa Walter welcomed the attendees on Sunday evening at the President??s Reception.

The two-day line up of speakers and the topics:

  • 10 Important Issues in Law Enforcement That Agencies Fail to Address Randall B. Means, Esquire
  • Midland City, Alabama Hostage Criss S.S.A. Vincent Dalfonzo, FBI
  • Lessons Learned at Sandy Hook Elementary Major Warren Hyatt & Lt David DelVecchia, Connecticut State Police
  • How Well Do Your Leadership Competency Skills Measure Up During Can??t Win Situations john F. Reintzell, Leadership Training Associates, LLC

The Re-Trainer finale was the banquet featuring guest speaker Chief William McMahon, Howard County Police Department, talking about the January 2014 mall shooting at the Mall in Columbia.

The Clarion proved to be an outstanding venue with great food from the breakfast buffets to the banquet dinner.

Thank you to the generous sponsors and vendors who financially supported the event and/or donated door prizes. Please consider utilizing the businesses and services provided by our corporate supporters to include: Gore, FORUM-DIRECT, Getac, Lawmen Supply Company, 5.11, Blauer, Wilmington University, Action Target, Funk & Bolton Attorneys at Law, Clark-Nexsen.



President Walter (left) and 1st Vice President Melissa Zebley present certificates of appreciation to Major Waren Hyatt and Lt David DelVecchia of Connecticut State Police after their moving Sandy Hook presentation

Chief William McMahon and President Walter

View all photos from this event

March 17, 2014
2014 Past President’s Luncheon

On Friday, March 7, 2014, the FBI National Academy Associates Maryland-Delaware Chapter Immediate Past President Ralph Holm, along with the current Executive Board, hosted the Chapter’s Annual Past-Presidents Luncheon at the La Casa Pasta restaurant in Newark, Delaware. Twelve past presidents, and their guests, joined Past President Holm for a social hour and lunch sharing some laughs, stories old and new, and great food. Current Chapter President Teresa Walter presented Ralph with his official National Academy Associate’s Past President pin while Ralph distributed a newly created Maryland-Delaware Past President pin to those in attendance.


Past presidents attending this year’s luncheon appearing in the picture from left to right were: Jim Pianowski, Doug Verzi, Joe Jordan, Nancy Dietz, Ralph Holm, Bobby Cummings, Joe Forrester, Dick LaFashia, Bobby Emory, Mike Maloney, Jim Jubb, Bill Ryan, and Dave Deputy.


President Teresa Walter presents Immediate Past President Ralph Holm with his pin

3 4 5 6 7 8 9
February 19, 2014
Jeff Rosier

I’ve accepted a Chief of Police position in Whiteville, North Carolina. My contact information is as follows:

Chief of Police
117 E. Columbus St.
PO Box 607
Whiteville, North Carolina 28472

I want to thank you for all your support, guidance and friendship you have given me over the years as a member of the MDDE Chapter. This will be my last re-trainer as a member of the MDDE Chapter as I will be joining the North Carolina Chapter in the spring.
I have met a lot of true professionals in this organization and will truly miss being a member of Maryland Delaware organization!

Best Wishes,

Jeff Rosier
207th session